Monday, September 24, 2007

My Babies are getting so big

The kids pictures from school. Look how big they are getting. Reise is in 1st grade and Cade is in 2nd. Both are loving it and doing very well. Each of their teachers have expressed how much they love having them in their class and how great they are.. This is great to hear as you all know. Cade has lost his 2 front teeth with a little help from mom and dad. Hehehe The last one Dad was trying to get out which you can only imagine how Cade was acting. Jeff ended up hitting Cade's hand causing it to hit the tooth which then feel out. Cade has been telling people that his dad punched his tooth out. hahaha It is funny yet sad. Reise is catching up with Cade in the teeth losing along with everything else since she is his size and from what her teacher tells is acts like she is 7 1/2 and knows a lot of what a 7 1/2 would. Boy are we introuble. Well that is an update of our little family so far. I will try to put updates up here more seeing as my sis J and her husband J are the only ones on my side still in Utah :( Love and miss you all.


wandering nana said...

They are so cute. Tell Cade to let me know the next time he has a loose tooth so so I can come and protect him from his mean parents!!We miss you all-give hugs and kisses.

JG said...

Love the photos!!!


skbkmjfamily said...

Hey kp just lost his two front teeth. I am so happy to hear that they are doing well in school. You and J have raised some awesome kids. We love you.

wandering nana said...

Tag-6 items. You have been tagged and need to post 6 different things about yourself...and then you need to tag 5 other people..I've already done the sisters.