Sunday, October 26, 2008

Amazing Sisters

Ok I know you have all heard about Stephanie and Christian's accident but seriously when I read this article:
I cried thinking about how amazing this family is. It made me think about my family and how each of us would do the same. I have the most amazing sisters! I remember one time when I was in junior high and I was practicing a dance and my friends made fun of me and my sisters came to my aid by telling my friends that it was not nice to make fun of me and how they thought I was doing a great job. This little act made me realize that even if my dancing was horrible which really it was, that I could still go out and perform because my sisters gave me that strength. We are all so different from each other but we understand that it is ok to be different. I know that even though my lifestyle is different then my sisters they do not judge me and understand that I am still a good person! I just have to say that I love my sisters and I know that if I were going through the same thing that they would do the same for me as what NieNie's sisters and family are doing for her. I know if it was my sister I would do the same!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wonderful Husband

I just have to post about how amazing my husband is. I feel so lucky to have him. It has been a long HARD road but I would not change it. He has stood by me when things were crazy and has held my hand every step of the way. I really think he is my sole mate. I just had to say that I really love this man and that I am so happy to have him in my life. I mean look at this guy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Family Pictures

Here are just a few of our family pictures we had done. Jami Broadbent is amazing and I feel so lucky to be mentoring with her.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What an Amazing Mom

So I have the most amazing mother ever. She is always so willing to make things for me and my kids. I wish I would have gotten her creativity and mad skills. She rocks.

So I called her and told her that R wanted to be Tinkerbell for Halloween since we are going to be in Disneyland for Halloween. So I asked my mom if she could help with making a skirt. So this is what she made... Isn't she just amazing? I love her!

Friday, October 03, 2008

My Quirks

Lara tagged me so here it is....

1. When loading my dishwasher I have to have the 1 fork, spoon, knife facing down in each section and once they are full I put them the other way other then knives which always go face down. My husband has stopped loading the dishwasher because I just unload it and reload it. It makes me crazy.

2. Like my sister L I organize my closet so that it is by color and type of clothing.

3. When I go to bed I have to have all the doors shut other then my bedroom door has to be opened a little mainly because my cat will wake me up if he can't get in and out of our room.

I really can not think of any other quirks but I am sure I have more. Maybe my family can add to this so I can know what they are also. Hehehe

I don't have anyone to tag because everyone already has done it that I would tag. :)