Monday, July 27, 2009

They Grow So Fast

So my little ones started school today. I can not believe how fast time goes by. I was thinking about how my elementary days were and I actually got the chills. I then asked my kids how they felt about school and if they felt picked on. I remember being a nerd who was cool only a couple of times. I am so afraid that my kids will have the same experiences I had... I read this book 19 minutes by Jodi Picoult and it made me think about bullies. I felt like a bully at times and after this book I felt like there are bullies everywhere. I don't know why I am telling you all this but I really am scared about my kiddos being bullied. Lets hope they aren't because it is such a hard thing. Anyways my amazing children grow a year older and I just love them so much.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Little Down

So lately I have been a little down. I went to a family reunion and I was in charge of taking the family pictures and sadly I feel like I failed because they turned out to be all blurry.... I know what my family is saying as they read this but really this has put a major damper on my mood. I really need to get more practice and I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. Really I should. Well this is the best of the pictures and my bro in law had to actually change some eyes and even a head because I suck!