Sunday, May 18, 2008

He has overcome his fear of falling

So we decided that it was time that Cade really learn how to ride a bike. He has been trying but didnt want to get on because he would fall so he would end up riding his scooter instead of his bike. Well I decided that I would teach him how to do it. He kept telling me no but as you can see he learned and was so excited he called the grandparents.

Here is dad showing Cade how to start off by himself.

Jeff showing Cade how it is done.

Cade after a successful ride!

Cade can officially ride his bike!

The ABC's of me

A--attached or single? attached

B--best friend? Jeff and Sonia

C--cake or pie? cake

D--day of choice? Saturday

E--essential item? Camera

F--favorite color? Purple

G--gummy bears or worms? worms

H--hometown? Sandy

I--indulgence(s)? Chocolate covered cinnamon bears

J--january or july? July

K--kids? Cade & Reise

L--life is incomplete without: My family

M--marriage date? August 7th

N--number of siblings? 4 sisters

O--oranges or apples? apples

P--phobias or fears? Heights

Q--quotes? Without Change, there would be no butterflies - Arthur Unknown

R--reason to smile? My family

S--season of choice? summer

T--tag 5 friends: whoever wants to do it!

U--unknown fact about me? I don't like being alone

V--very favorite stores? Target and American Eagle

W--worst habit? Not picking up after myself.

X--x-ray or ultrasound? x-ray

Y--your favorite food? Italian, sushi and mexican

Z--zodiac sign? Aquarius

Saturday, May 03, 2008

My little Princess

This amazing girl is also my angel. She has brought so much light to our life. I think she made our family complete! She is so much fun to be around and she brings out the best in all of us. We didn't have as many issues when she was born as we did with Cade but that didn't make her arrival boring at all! I love this little girl and I do not know what we would have done if she had not joined our family. I love you Reise!

My little man

This little man is amazing! When I am sad he will start to break dance just to make me smile. I do not know what I would do without him. Most of you know that he was our angel that just had to be here if you know what I mean. Jeff and I had not planned on kids so soon but he just had to come into our life right away. It was a huge surprise but such a blessing. When I had him he came out needing a little help with breathing. Within the first 2 weeks of his life he got RSV. The doctors told me he just had a cold and to just give him some meds. After a couple of days I knew something was wrong. My mom and I went to the insta-care and we were told he just had a cold. I had this sick feeling that something else was wrong, good thing that I went with my gut and told them to check him again. They did an oxygen test and found that his oxygen level was horribly low. They rushed us to Primary Children's Hospital where he was treated for a week and then we took him home on oxygen for a week or so. The doctor told us that if we would have not taken him in when we did that he would have not made it through the night. WOW! When we had him blessed several family members told me that they felt he would make a difference... Little did they know that he already had made such a huge difference. I can not imagine my life without this little angel named Cade. Thank you Cade for being my little boy!!!

Reise and I making Brownies

Reise and I decided to make brownies wearing the awesome aprons my mom made us.

Princess on Ice Anyone?

Well I took Reise to the Princess's on Ice and she loved it. We went with her best friend Adri. It was so much fun. Reise asked if her cousin's could go with her next time. She sure does love her cousins.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

So Long

Wow it has been so long since I have gotten on and posted. So much has been going on. Work has been good but so busy. I thought it would start to get better but sadly it hasn't. Jeff is having so much fun with school, not really he hates it. 2 Years to go and he will be done. heehee
I took my friends engagements which was so much fun. I love the pics and so did they. My friend got married here and since her family all lives in Mexico they decided to get married in Mexico also. Wow it has been so hard helping her get ready for it. We went to Mexico for it and was only there for the weekend. Wow what a short trip!
So lately I have been having a hard time probably from lack of sleep but either way I have really been struggling. At work I wanted to just talk and I called my mom but got voice mail, called my husband but got voice mail and then when I went to call the next person I realized that I didn't have someone to call. Obviously I have my sisters but when I was thinking about it I realized that I really don't have any close friends. This is the first time I have actually sat and thought about it. I was always the one with a ton of friends and know I realized that I am no longer the social butterfly I use to be. Maybe this has added to my sadness, well I will get over it. Feels better to I guess type it out. :) Soon I will get over it.