Saturday, December 20, 2008

Little Late

Happy Birthday to the most amazing son ever. I can not believe that he is already nine. It seems like yesterday that I was changing your diaper. I have seen where people list out little tidbits of their little one's so I thought I would give it a try.
1. He is such a cuddle bug and I love it
2. He always makes me smile and laugh when I have had a hard day
3. He will break dance anywhere just because
4. He is an early bird which is not something he got from me. :)
5. His eyes remind me of my fathers and he even does the same puppy dog sad look as my dad.
6. He loves little kids, seriously you put him in a room with them and they just love him.
7. He actually will get teary eyed watching a sad movie with me.
8. He tells me he loves me everyday just because
9. He sings with me in the car and again break dances while sitting
10. He is an amazing brother, he does have his days but his sister is his best friend and he is not afraid to tell you that.

I could go on and on about this little man but I will stop as it is late and I need to go to sleep... Happy Birthday my little man!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Awesome Aprons

So as I was looking at a friends site I found this amazing blog:

These Aprons are awesome. You really should check it out if you are looking for some cool, stylish aprons. She is also having a giveaway so go to her blog and comment so you can be entered.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Said I wouldn't but I did

So when the first book came out I laughed. I thought that all these women going crazy over a vampire book were just going a little overboard. My family read them and talked about them but I just didn't really listen to what they were saying. Then women at work started talking about it. When I was asked if I had read them I laughed and said "Hell No!" Well soon one of my really good friends asked me about it and I asked if she was serious. She told me she was hesitant about it and then decided to be sucked in. She told me that the pages must of been marked with some sort of drug because she could not put down the first book. She told me I had to read it and that I really should just suck it up and fall into the trap called "Twilight". So I did and to my surprise I could not put it down. The second book was a little boring for me but the third was great and the fourth i had to read. Well then I find myself telling people to read it. They responded the same way I did but soon fell victim to it also. Then we start seeing the movie previews and it is decided that us girls at work will see it the night it is released. I told myself not to expect anything because I had been disappointed by movies made from books more then once. I can say the first time I saw it I was more distracted by all the Tweens screaming about Edward, James, Emmett and Jacob that I really did not have fun. Then I went to see it a second time and I decided that I really do like it. Yes there are things missing and things I would have changed but all in all it was a great show.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I thought I never could be

So as most of you know I love being a mom but feel that I could never be a stay at home mom again. I think stay at home mom's truly have one of the hardest jobs ever and do not feel that is a job I could do. I was once a stay at home mom for about a year with my son. Then I decided to go back to work and have worked ever since. Don't get me wrong I have thought about doing it again but never really felt like I could. So then we go to California for 11 full days. I had Jeff there to help with the kids but really I was afraid. I have lost my patience and was so afraid of just full on losing it with my family. It is something I am trying to fix but I do not feel I am completely at fault because some of the side effects of my meds is irritability and anger. So back to my story.... The whole time I felt I was pretty good, I mean I did yell and I did have bouts but overall it was better then I had anticipated. Then Jeff left town for work and I became a single parent for the week. I have had a horrible week but have found my mind going back to thinking how much I love being home when my kids get out of school. I miss the 11 days that I could just lay and hug my kids and tickle them when I wanted.
I have decided that I will no longer say that I could never be but that I may really have a chance. Seriously I see my sister K who does all these amazing things with her kids and really is just an amazing stay at home mother. I know she doesn't think so but truly she is. I look at her and my other sisters and realize that they are all so amazing with their kids and ours. Sorry for the rambling and jumping around but that is how I think and so you all will just have to deal :)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Jedi Training

So Reise and Cade wanted to do the Jedi Training at Disney Land. The first time we went the kids were not picked to train but the second time Reise was picked first and then Cade. They were so excited to train. They did an awesome job as you can see below.

Disney Land

So we obviously went to Disney Land and spent time with my parents and Emily. We went to the California Adventure Halloween Party. I had so much fun on this trip. Yes it was overwhelming at times and stressful but all in all it was amazing. I had so much fun with my parents and hope they did also. I am not sure we will ever go to Disney Land for 6 days again. Heehee Well here are some pics from our trip. Enjoy

We are in California

We made it to warm California to spend our 11 day vacation. YEAH!!!

Disney Land Autograph Books

So Jeff and I decided that we wanted to make our kids autograph books for Disney Land. Jeff had found the idea through a Disney site and we thought it would be a great idea. The person who had posted their book on the Disney site had said it was really cheap so I started creating it. Jeff made the covers and added places to put the photo's of the kids and the character. Well once we got it all created I took the disc to Kinko's to get it printed... HAHA well if I wanted to pay over $100 for printing I could have done it there but obviously that was not something I was going to do. So back to the drawing board we went. So Jeff and his mom decided to print it themselves and Jeff is who finished them off with the awesome ribbon. Here is what we came up with...

The pages are in alphabetical order by characters, have page numbers and there is an index in the back.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Amazing Sisters

Ok I know you have all heard about Stephanie and Christian's accident but seriously when I read this article:
I cried thinking about how amazing this family is. It made me think about my family and how each of us would do the same. I have the most amazing sisters! I remember one time when I was in junior high and I was practicing a dance and my friends made fun of me and my sisters came to my aid by telling my friends that it was not nice to make fun of me and how they thought I was doing a great job. This little act made me realize that even if my dancing was horrible which really it was, that I could still go out and perform because my sisters gave me that strength. We are all so different from each other but we understand that it is ok to be different. I know that even though my lifestyle is different then my sisters they do not judge me and understand that I am still a good person! I just have to say that I love my sisters and I know that if I were going through the same thing that they would do the same for me as what NieNie's sisters and family are doing for her. I know if it was my sister I would do the same!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wonderful Husband

I just have to post about how amazing my husband is. I feel so lucky to have him. It has been a long HARD road but I would not change it. He has stood by me when things were crazy and has held my hand every step of the way. I really think he is my sole mate. I just had to say that I really love this man and that I am so happy to have him in my life. I mean look at this guy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Family Pictures

Here are just a few of our family pictures we had done. Jami Broadbent is amazing and I feel so lucky to be mentoring with her.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What an Amazing Mom

So I have the most amazing mother ever. She is always so willing to make things for me and my kids. I wish I would have gotten her creativity and mad skills. She rocks.

So I called her and told her that R wanted to be Tinkerbell for Halloween since we are going to be in Disneyland for Halloween. So I asked my mom if she could help with making a skirt. So this is what she made... Isn't she just amazing? I love her!

Friday, October 03, 2008

My Quirks

Lara tagged me so here it is....

1. When loading my dishwasher I have to have the 1 fork, spoon, knife facing down in each section and once they are full I put them the other way other then knives which always go face down. My husband has stopped loading the dishwasher because I just unload it and reload it. It makes me crazy.

2. Like my sister L I organize my closet so that it is by color and type of clothing.

3. When I go to bed I have to have all the doors shut other then my bedroom door has to be opened a little mainly because my cat will wake me up if he can't get in and out of our room.

I really can not think of any other quirks but I am sure I have more. Maybe my family can add to this so I can know what they are also. Hehehe

I don't have anyone to tag because everyone already has done it that I would tag. :)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

My Passion

Well since I have finished school and have been mentoring with an amazing photographer I have decided to start taking photo's part time. I am so excited! I love taking pictures and I grew up with a father who also loves photography. I think that he is one of the reasons why I have been drawn to this passion. He actually has created a family full of photographers. I have 3 other sisters who love it just as much as me and their pictures show it. Well hopefully I will be able to start this full time once I get more practice and clients :)

This is my blog for my photo's:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

He has overcome his fear of falling

So we decided that it was time that Cade really learn how to ride a bike. He has been trying but didnt want to get on because he would fall so he would end up riding his scooter instead of his bike. Well I decided that I would teach him how to do it. He kept telling me no but as you can see he learned and was so excited he called the grandparents.

Here is dad showing Cade how to start off by himself.

Jeff showing Cade how it is done.

Cade after a successful ride!

Cade can officially ride his bike!

The ABC's of me

A--attached or single? attached

B--best friend? Jeff and Sonia

C--cake or pie? cake

D--day of choice? Saturday

E--essential item? Camera

F--favorite color? Purple

G--gummy bears or worms? worms

H--hometown? Sandy

I--indulgence(s)? Chocolate covered cinnamon bears

J--january or july? July

K--kids? Cade & Reise

L--life is incomplete without: My family

M--marriage date? August 7th

N--number of siblings? 4 sisters

O--oranges or apples? apples

P--phobias or fears? Heights

Q--quotes? Without Change, there would be no butterflies - Arthur Unknown

R--reason to smile? My family

S--season of choice? summer

T--tag 5 friends: whoever wants to do it!

U--unknown fact about me? I don't like being alone

V--very favorite stores? Target and American Eagle

W--worst habit? Not picking up after myself.

X--x-ray or ultrasound? x-ray

Y--your favorite food? Italian, sushi and mexican

Z--zodiac sign? Aquarius

Saturday, May 03, 2008

My little Princess

This amazing girl is also my angel. She has brought so much light to our life. I think she made our family complete! She is so much fun to be around and she brings out the best in all of us. We didn't have as many issues when she was born as we did with Cade but that didn't make her arrival boring at all! I love this little girl and I do not know what we would have done if she had not joined our family. I love you Reise!

My little man

This little man is amazing! When I am sad he will start to break dance just to make me smile. I do not know what I would do without him. Most of you know that he was our angel that just had to be here if you know what I mean. Jeff and I had not planned on kids so soon but he just had to come into our life right away. It was a huge surprise but such a blessing. When I had him he came out needing a little help with breathing. Within the first 2 weeks of his life he got RSV. The doctors told me he just had a cold and to just give him some meds. After a couple of days I knew something was wrong. My mom and I went to the insta-care and we were told he just had a cold. I had this sick feeling that something else was wrong, good thing that I went with my gut and told them to check him again. They did an oxygen test and found that his oxygen level was horribly low. They rushed us to Primary Children's Hospital where he was treated for a week and then we took him home on oxygen for a week or so. The doctor told us that if we would have not taken him in when we did that he would have not made it through the night. WOW! When we had him blessed several family members told me that they felt he would make a difference... Little did they know that he already had made such a huge difference. I can not imagine my life without this little angel named Cade. Thank you Cade for being my little boy!!!

Reise and I making Brownies

Reise and I decided to make brownies wearing the awesome aprons my mom made us.

Princess on Ice Anyone?

Well I took Reise to the Princess's on Ice and she loved it. We went with her best friend Adri. It was so much fun. Reise asked if her cousin's could go with her next time. She sure does love her cousins.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

So Long

Wow it has been so long since I have gotten on and posted. So much has been going on. Work has been good but so busy. I thought it would start to get better but sadly it hasn't. Jeff is having so much fun with school, not really he hates it. 2 Years to go and he will be done. heehee
I took my friends engagements which was so much fun. I love the pics and so did they. My friend got married here and since her family all lives in Mexico they decided to get married in Mexico also. Wow it has been so hard helping her get ready for it. We went to Mexico for it and was only there for the weekend. Wow what a short trip!
So lately I have been having a hard time probably from lack of sleep but either way I have really been struggling. At work I wanted to just talk and I called my mom but got voice mail, called my husband but got voice mail and then when I went to call the next person I realized that I didn't have someone to call. Obviously I have my sisters but when I was thinking about it I realized that I really don't have any close friends. This is the first time I have actually sat and thought about it. I was always the one with a ton of friends and know I realized that I am no longer the social butterfly I use to be. Maybe this has added to my sadness, well I will get over it. Feels better to I guess type it out. :) Soon I will get over it.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Cade's 8th Birthday

So we decided that it would be fun for Cade to open a present the day before his birthday.

We are all pretty excited about it because we feel that it is something that will get them a little more active :)Plus I read about people playing some of the games and losing weight :) Added bonus for me. So our main rule is that you must stand and play no sitting down. The games are pretty fun.
Cade asked to have some friends sleepover for his birthday party so we got some pizza, played the Wii and watched a movie.