I did my first official 5k which was the run for bun event. It was a very emotional day and to top it off a huge boulder jumped out in front of my causing me to ram into it with my knees. Yes I know only I could find a boulder and proceed to run into it. And no it did not stop me.. I kept going because who can stop when you hear the person you are doing it for telling you that you can do it. It was hard but I did it and I feel so amazing!! My legs would disagree but currently I am fighting with them.
So I have vowed to never say that I am not a runner! I may be slow but I try my hardest and that is all that matters. I know that Bunny is looking down and at times laughing at my attempt to run but also I can hear her pushing me telling me that I can do anything. I feel blessed everyday because I still am here and able to be with the ones I love.
Wish me luck!
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Thank you.by Andy and FSN
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