October started out pretty rough for me. On Sunday I felt horrible, by Tuesday I went to the Dr who said I had the flu, by Saturday my mom told me I needed to go to instacare because I couldn't stop coughing. I went to Instacare to find out I had Pneumonia and from there they gave me treatments. By Monday I was not any better so the Instacare sent me to the hospital where I spent the next day and a half. I had only thought Pneumonia was bad for babies and older people, but I learned that it is a big deal. I was pretty scared which I didn't tell anyone because there wasn't much anyone could do. I talked with my mom who just knew that I needed her out here with me even though I was not saying so. My amazing mother and father drove out here and my mom stayed for the next 2 weeks. I went on Short Term Leave because of how crazy the healing process is. I was so lucky to have my mom here wit me. She did everything for me like cleaned my house, washed my blinds, sewed skirts for my daughter, made dinners, picked up kids, the list just goes on and on. One main thing is she cared for me. It was great to have her around. She thinks that she got on my nerves but she didn't.... Not once! She even brought her dog McT who is such a cutie. Him and Maddie became best friends and even though the cats were pains they still looked for him the day he left. The day they left was a pretty crappy day. I cried a lot and then my kids came home and they cried because they were so use to grandma being here and she wasn't. The kids want to go visit even though my mom thinks she is the mean grandma. Heehee I have now returned to work and I am doing a ton better. I even took the kids trick or treating which was a blast. Here are some pics of them. They are not so good because I didnt have a chance to get my good camera or even change settings.
Cade was Yoda and Reise was a vampire. I am excited that October is over and I am hoping that November will be a way better month.
So it has been hard to post with all the craziness going on. First Jeff and I have been working really hard to finish rooms in the basement so we can have some extra rooms for the rents when they come visit. So far we finished our laundry room. I am really excited about it. We are working on the guest room now and will move onto the bathroom and then the playroom. Here are some pics of the finished room.
Reise asked for a kitten for her bday and her wish was granted.. Meet Pumpkin
Jeff and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary in Napa Valley, San Fran and then Disneyland.
Reise turned 8 this year and we spent her birthday in Disneyland. She was so excited and we had so much fun. I can not believe how big my little angel is getting.
And we finally got our family pictures hung up for display. We were lucky to have the amazing Amy take our family pics. I know they are a little crooked. I haven't had time to tape them in place :)
So my little ones started school today. I can not believe how fast time goes by. I was thinking about how my elementary days were and I actually got the chills. I then asked my kids how they felt about school and if they felt picked on. I remember being a nerd who was cool only a couple of times. I am so afraid that my kids will have the same experiences I had... I read this book 19 minutes by Jodi Picoult and it made me think about bullies. I felt like a bully at times and after this book I felt like there are bullies everywhere. I don't know why I am telling you all this but I really am scared about my kiddos being bullied. Lets hope they aren't because it is such a hard thing. Anyways my amazing children grow a year older and I just love them so much.
So lately I have been a little down. I went to a family reunion and I was in charge of taking the family pictures and sadly I feel like I failed because they turned out to be all blurry.... I know what my family is saying as they read this but really this has put a major damper on my mood. I really need to get more practice and I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. Really I should. Well this is the best of the pictures and my bro in law had to actually change some eyes and even a head because I suck!
So I know this is late but I could not not post. My lovely husband and kids got me an Apple Iphone for Mothers day! I am so excited. And can I just say there is an App for everything. Oh and Jeff loves it also. He spent one night playing games on it until around midnight-1am. :)
I walked outside and saw a duck being followed by her young. She stopped and the babies all smacked into each other. Sometimes I feel that way about life. I am walking along only to be stopped in mid step and I run into someone's butt, well not figuratively but you know what I mean. I can not believe that summer is pretty much here or close. I hope the next butt I run into is the hotness of the sun.
*the picture above is not mine as I could not get my camera in time to get the little guys.
I love Easter! I love eating dyed eggs because for some reason they taste so much better then any other eggs. This Easter was quiet. We stayed home and the kids played with friends while J and I put primer on the walls and mudd in the basement rooms. We are getting so close to getting the guest room and laundry room done I can not wait. My parents will be the first guests to stay with us so I am really excited about that. Well I hope you all had a great Easter. Love ya
So my daughters school was having a book fair. Well yesterday my beautiful little angel came home with the above poster. Guess who it was for. Me! And guess what was on the back.
So I will translate it: " To Mom, I Love you so so so much. Your the best mom ever. Your the mom that should be everyone's mom and for every child. I'm glad you are my mom. I'm glad you chose me instead of anyone else to be your daughter. Love Reise" Come on is your child that cool? hehehe I love this girl!