Friday, May 26, 2006


I am from Green Bean casserole, from 7-11 Slurpees and homemade pudding pops.

I am from a house with the lights always on, sharing a room with bunkbeds and music heard throughout the house.

I am from cherry trees and the raspberry bushes in the backyard

I am from fresh popcorn on a Sunday night and uncontrollable laughing, from the Mayne's The Watson's and The Libby's.

I am from the protective bond and a families unconditional love .

From your eyes will get stuck that way and We love you no matter what.

I am from a religion I might not always understand, a belief in baptism's for the dead, and that families will be together forever, I am from the Church of Jesus Christ.

I'm from Salt Lake City, Utah and Homemade ice cream with peach cobbler from the Dutch oven and playing kick the can in the dark.

From the coolwhip container with the finger mark and the line of five little girls, the bond between sisters and sucking on gum in the back of a station wagon.

I am from a table full of framed pictures, a wall of memories and a basement full of amazing adventures never to be forgotten.


TX Girl said...

Of course- you would have to bring up the cool whip. Blast.

I love it. You did such a great job.

skbkmjfamily said...

I actually had the cool whip in mine as well.

You really brought a tears to my eyes. I love it. You just added to our families memories.We really were blessed.

TX Girl said...

you are smoking something, because I just checked and there is no cool whip reference.

skbkmjfamily said...

HAD is the key word there, i took it out. It did not go with what I was trying to say.

Anonymous said...

m- I just read your poem. I loved it. I laughed, I cried.
I love you